Friday, August 16, 2013

Freedom To Be......HIS.

I was thinking on my way into work this morning how uncomplicated my relationship with the Lord is. Maybe that is good, maybe it is complacent to some if they are looking into my life...I don't know, and honestly I have had to give up worrying what others think and be confident in knowing that my Lord KNOWS me. I also know that living life has taught me that a living, breathing, relationship with God, for me,  IS uncomplicated. In this day and age everyone is reading everyone else's thoughts on God. So many think they have found the key that unlocks Heaven's wisdom, they write a book that people buy and if truth be told...the ONLY book that unlocks Heaven's wisdom is the Bible. Everyone quotes everyone....but what moves me, beyond actually reading the Word, is when someone else quotes "THE" Word and the spirit awakens truth within me. 
I care about relationships with people but I care MORE about my relationship with Jesus. From that relationship others fall into place. I don't have to be "KNOWN" by others to be authentic or real.  I all ready know who knows me. God knows me; HE loves me, HE corrects my heart, HE is invested in me just the way HE created me. I am imperfect...but that is OK. I AM loved. I BELIEVE it!  At the end of the day, I stand before Him, not man. Life has taught me well to trust more the simplicity of my relationship with my creator.  I gave up trying to be what I am not and instead started living with the me He created in my mother's womb. I am unlike anyone else....I am not better, nor am I worse.  I am, HIS. I am "fearfully and wonderfully made."  He made me to love cookies.....He made me to be the cup half full girl, He gave me faith and strength to walk to places in my life and spirit I would have never thought I could or would.

HE is the one I give the treasure of my hearts deepest secrets to. When I do share my heart with someone it is BECAUSE God has made it clear I can. Not everyone deserves the treasure of me. It is God who moves my heart to be authentic, when and with whom. I have learned that half the time issues I think I have with others are really my own. As that is revealed to me, it releases me to get healing from my Father. It inspires me to look into my own life rather than to figure out someone else's. It has taught me also to how to forgive. That one took a while for God to give me victory in. I am doing better and better and better. I know my savior doesn't get concerned over me understanding others as much as He is concerned that I know "HE" understands me and calls me to go where HE leads.  Breaking away from needing man's acceptance was conquered by God's complete truth taking over in my life. 
I have learned to go "About MY Father's Business" as it relates to my life and what HE asks of me. 
I do have to add I am older now so where I sit is where I sit...and we are all on a different journey. I pass no judgement where anyone else is.  I am just sharing where my journey has brought me to. 
It is quite simple..."Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, FOR the Bible tells me so."
It doesn't need to be complicated...and in my world it isn't. What a restful, calming, beautiful place to be...getting to rest in the one who loves me most and leaving my heart in His hands.  HIS word is MY answer. I am thankful HE has taught me less of the world and more of Him IS my prosperity. My cup over flows in joy.
Like a small child, I don't second guess if my Father loves me...I walk in the fact He DOES. 
KNOWING Jesus far surpasses just being KNOWN by Him. Seeking Him TO love Him, not just BE loved by Him is indescribable. "Getting back to the heart of worship", just like the song says. It "IS" all about "Him!" 
The other thing I do know is this....where I am at, I give HIM "ALL" the glory and praise; for I could not be here if He was not the author of it. I have been nothing more than a simple child of heart asking to know all about Him.  I want for nothing now other than to know His heart.  I am convinced He knows mine, I am convinced I am most safe with Him.  It is He living in me that gives me life and the contentment to be free in this world. It is He living in me that can give all of you, the gift in return.
I look forward to the day I meet Him face to face.  Not because He will hold me....BUT rather because "I" will finally get to embrace HIM and LOVE Him.  
These are my heart's thoughts on this Friday night, August 13th.  
MATTHEW 22:36-37 
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

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