Friday, January 3, 2014

God's Wisdom, Man's Foolishness

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately (laugh, it is OK....the older I get thinking sanely IS a gift!) 
All kidding aside, I have found myself being challenged to think in a new way, to question all I have believed, and to to be open to a new way of figuring out this world, my existence and how it all came to be...or not. To take another look at what happens when we die. Is there really an eternity with a savior who died for my sins, where loved ones await my reunion to them or am I going to succumb back to the planet, biodegradable if you will.

Earth was not "created" as evolutionists suggests;  but rather morphed from a big bang and time and whatever else it took to produce an ape that eventually turned into you and me. Amazes me HOW a male ape became a female ape and thus pro creation began.  Amazes me how the insides of a body designed organs to work together so perfectly. That each organ contributes to the function of life...perfectly.  

Amazes me how all the senses we have just morphed perfectly to serve us well. 

Amazes me that it is said science is the golden ticket to unraveling the mysteries of yesterdays and promises of tomorrow. I think science IS a gift from God to enlighten us, but that is what it is....a gift. God opens the door to our understanding but make no mistake, HE alone is the author of it. There is nothing science uncovers that God did not put into place in the first place. As unlimited as man thinks the mind is, it IS limited under the watch of God. Those who disagree, disagree. Your minds can not begin to understand the ways of God, nor can mine. Just because you say there is no God, does NOT mean there isn't.

Many of you can not believe unless facts are in front of you. The problem with that is God does NOT have to answer to man WITH facts. He could, He can, but He doesn't HAVE to. That doesn't make Him bad or less, it makes Him God. 

I keep exploring that idea some of you have that the idea of God is a fairy tale, created to give man a crutch to hold onto as he makes his way through this life given to him.
You say the words found on scrolls have been translated so many times over, it is mere fables, good ones mind you....but not the true word of God. 
It is said by some that it is a sign of weakness to buy the tale. However, it is intelligence and strength to say the opposite. 

Wow, wow, WOW.  wow........

I try to not judge, I try to understand this way of thinking, but I have to be the end of "my" day the way of thinking you a hole of nothing.

God is my life line...His word IS my direction.

I so totally believe in Jesus Christ, that HE is the way, the truth and the life, that no man comes to God except through Him. His gift is love, and forgiveness and the gift of an eternity with Him and my loved ones. I don't need to have facts to have faith in Him, I have experienced Him in my life, often more when I could NOT see or feel Him than when I do. I have glorious experiences of Him in my life!  Heaven IS real. His loving me is not relevant to my loving Him any more than it is to you loving Him.  It is never about what we do or do not do, HE took this world on His shoulders, HE did the job whether you buy it or not. 

Here are a few verses that have helped me understand the gift I have in BELIEVING that what I have said yes to IS truth.

(Creation Of Man)

Psalm 139:8
"For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb."

(Explained Science)

Isaiah 55:8
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:25
"Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men."

And for not needing "evidence"

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

And last but not least.....

Joshua 24:15
 "As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."





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