Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Happy New Year...2011.

A new year, a new day...the day everyone walks towards the future in hopefulness.

This year I want to take time to talk about experiences, people and anything that teaches me, delights me, saddens me, or challenges me. This is MY blog, you can join me in my journey or not. I am here , exposed...this is ME.

One of the greatest things I want to share walking into 2011 with you is this...dare to be YOU. I am not sure just when I actually "GOT IT.", that is, being ME brings peace to my soul, but I can tell you it is God who led me to that moment, delivered me in it, and has continued to hold me there. In Psalm 139: 14 David says

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful."

God taught me that I needn't try to convince anyone of anything, BECAUSE it is HE who changes hearts; however I can be one His many voices.

Many of you know I share my faith quite openly. It IS me. I am quite happy in it, not to say that it was always that way. I could write a book on how I got here. Like many of the people I know, my life has been full of just as much heartbreak as anyone else's. Your story might be different from mine and yet, for me, the answer remains the same. The way "OUT" is through faith. For me, it is with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am surrounded by many diverse beliefs on spirituality. Having a "personal" relationship with Jesus Christ is "MY" choice. I believe Jesus IS the only son of God and in HIM I find forgiveness, and eternal salvation. I say it a million times, "Maybe YOU think I am wrong, and Maybe I am." HOWEVER, when I die, if what I believe IS wrong, I lost nothing, I had a life full of hope and love." IF what you believe is wrong and you die only to find out you were wrong, you have lost eternity." I like my odds better!"

I believe my goal in 2011 is to just let you into my world, and share how God helps me manuever this journey with Him as my guide.

Peace to you all...and much love!
